The Italian Dressing Story
This is the story of how our House Dressing was made and why it has become a crowd favorite.

Our House dressing brought from the old country
Our House dressing is a recipe brought over thirty years ago from the old country by Italian Chef, Bosco Ferrara’s wife Theresa. Chef Bosco, owner of the restaurant where a young Ben started as a dishwasher was soon trained and taught the secrets of old school Italian cooking. During Chef Ben’s transition from dishwasher thru line prep and making bread, the making of the house dressing was revealed.
As Chef Ben continued on to the sauté pans, the passion of flavors and food combinations with many new entree’s created by Chef Ben, he became one the few culinary masters of old school cuisine Benedetto diners enjoy today. Ben, Bosco and Theresa became lifelong friends. Through the years Chef Ben never called the dressing his. Only after Chef Ben’s old boss, mentor and friend retired did they agree the recipe could live on as Chef Ben’s Benedetto’s house dressing. As this story continues Chef Bosco would tell that young dishwasher, “work hard kid, someday they will call your restaurant Benedetto!”. Well as life has its happiness there is also the sadness in the passing of this great individual, Chef Bosco Ferrara. Chef Ben continues this magnificent house dressing the same as it was taught to him years ago.
The dressing is now being sold in 8 and 12 ounce portions for all to enjoy at home. Many use this secret recipe for marinades or just a refreshing dip that is Vegan and Vegetarian friendly! Talk to your server to purchase or Chef Ben for more info but don’t ask for the recipe! Enjoy