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People are the driving force of any business but especially for the restaurant industry where they very survival of the business depends on people coming again and again and enjoying themselves. We all have likely heard that one of the biggest factors in a company’s success is location, location, location. But what does this mean for the restaurant industry? Finding the right location for your restaurant is key to its survival and when you think about it, all of the most successful local neighborhood restaurants are located in places that boost their business.  Here are three tips to help: Get to

When people make the choice to go out to eat, they are looking for and paying for more than a simple meal. Most patrons who choose to eat at a nice restaurant want to be able to enjoy a good meal in an environment that they find appealing. This could range from the upscale dining experience or a laid-back bar atmosphere. It is important to bring the food and patrons together in a place that gives them what they are looking for. Creating the right atmosphere for your restaurant can be tricky but these key points can make attaining local